Thursday, August 26, 2010

satin eyes

how to get this look

step one:
load a medium amount of brown gel liner onto a flat brush.
lay the brush flat against lid with the end pointed up
and the bristles pressed along the lash line.
starting at the outside corner, press brush onto lid and
wiggle upwards, half way to crease.
do this until lash line is covered. this will look messy,
but no need to worry, yet!
step two:
use middle or ring finger to blend liner towards
your crease, even out pigment, and soften edges.
still, don't worry about perfection, we'll get there!
step three:
**this next step can be done with either a flat or fluffy brush.**
first use a clean brush to blend out the liner even more.
the more you blend, the lighter the look will be.
step four:
in a circular buffing motion, apply a plummy brown
with a rounded crease brush to the edges of the gel liner along
the outside of your eye and halfway along the lash line.
many people refer to this as making a "c" or "v" in your outer corner.
step five:
take any lighter, more shimmery shadow (I blended
the second and third color below) and apply it to the inner corner.
make sure to blend the shadow slightly along your
lower lash line, into crease, and onto lid.
do not apply additional shadow to brush or the
gradation from the outside to inside lid will be too extreme.
**use your makeup wedge to clean up any messy ages**
step six:
with a fluffy brush, apply a shadow similar to your skin along the outer
edges of the look including just beneath brow and beneath the eye.
step seven:
mascara and done!

that's all for now! stay beautiful!

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