Tuesday, August 10, 2010

gorgeous green gal

[how to get this look]

step one:
Prime entire eye with NYX jumbo eye pencil in Milk.
Blend and soften with finger.
step two:
With a short shadow brush, apply a soft black into the outer crease
making a small "c" shape and slightly onto the lower lash line. Don't apply
too much black. You can also add more over the green for a more intense
look. Now, with a clean blending brush, buff out the harsh lines and drag
the black shadow just below the crease and along the lash line.
step three:
Using a round crease brush, apply a satin, dark emerald
into the crease. Blend this color past the black into the
inner corner, just above the crease, and slightly onto the lid.
With a clean blending brush, soften any harsh edges.
step four:
Very lightly dampen one side of an overall shadow or flat brush
and pick up a light mint green shadow. Starting at the lash line,
place the color on the lid and drag upward. Before the mint green
reaches the emerald green, flip over the brush and lightly blend
the colors together in a quick, small back and forth motion.
step five:
Draw a line of NYX Milk on the inner corner, slightly
into the crease, a bit on the inner, lower lash line,
and just beneath the brow. Soften and blend with finger.
step six:
Blend the light mint green on top of the NYX Milk in the inner
corner and across entire lower lash line into black.
step seven:
Tight line upper lash line and water line with a black soft
pencil eyeliner.
step eight:
Mascara and done!

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